Fall brings many festivities to many different cultures around the world. The PUMPKIN is a national fruit that is appreciated more during the fall than any other season. it is cultivated in North America, continental Europe, India and some other countries. A pumpkin which is normally one of the latest of the fruits to grow, arrives just in time for some of our greatest desires. Its large, round, orange coloured body creates a perfect canvas for carving art into. the tradition use of carving comes at Halloween time when people carve graphics relating to the holiday into the body of the pumpkin. Carvings range from faces, to witches, to zombies, and celebrities. Once the carvings are completed you place a candle inside to light it up at night! Fun for the kids and adults of any age! What are you carving this year? With or without carvings, pumpkins serve as a decorative accent to all of our homes during the fall season.

Well I could ramble off a list like Bubba does on Forest Gump about shrimp but here are a few tasty pumpkin meals we eat during the fall season:
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Cake
Pumpkin Spice teas and coffees
Pumpkin Cookies
Pumpkin Donuts and Muffins
Pumpkin Squash
Pumpkin Seeds

What are some of your favourite uses for a pumpkin? Please comment below!
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