
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wing Suit Skydiving

Have you seen any of those recently trending youtube videos of base jumpers and skydivers in strange suits? As it turns out, these are called wing suits, and are the latest sport to hit the skies! These suits allow sky divers to control their movement through the air, and increase free fall time. Base jumpers even use these suits to glide along cliffs and mountain sides. The videos speak for themselves!

But what about the difficulty? Turns out these suits are much more difficult to use than they appear. Because of their restrictive design, only seasoned base jumpers and sky divers should attempt this sport. There is much more skill involved in controlling these suits, and can pose quite a risk to the unseasoned adrenaline junky. Regardless, you can't help but to be captivated by the footage these enthusiasts have recorded, the scenery is breath-taking and the sport itself looks very intense!
So, what do you think? would you be interested in soaring through the sky at record speeds? have you sky dove before? let us know in the comments below!


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