Or standup paddle surfing, is one of the newest sports to emerge from Hawaii. This sport has only recently made its way across the world, though it has deep roots in Hawaii's surfing community, stretching further back than the 1960's. This summer was the first year I witnessed this strange and enticing sport here in Canada. You can't help but to be drawn towards it. Its a great upper body workout, requiring balance and co-ordination to ensure you stay dry.
Tropical North, a store here in Barrie, Ontario now rents out boards and teaches paddle boarding lessons! This craze is picking up and should definitely be one of your activities next summer. If you're here in barrie, rates are low at $50 dollars for a full day lesson and $40 dollars for a half day. Those who are familiar with the sport can even purchase their rental equipment at discounted prices, a great money saver.
Interested in finding out more about the sport? click here!
Have you ever SUP'd before? if so tell us your story, we'd love to head from you!
The next biggest gadget in the tech world is rumored to be announced by Apple on October 4, 2011 classified as the iPhone 5. It is supposed to be more technologically advanced with many different features. This new generation iPhone is reported to be more thin and slim than its current model, its display being larger and edge-to-edge with more clarity and an 8-megapixel camera with advanced battery. Going with the WWDC 2011 announcements, it is certain that Apple will play its iPhone 5 on iOS 5 and will feature iCloud, Appleās cloud-based media service.
The iPhone 5 is said to have an improved interface, advanced communication, and better gesture-based controls. Software-wise it is rumored to be more advanced than the iPhone 4 and present notable changes in hardware and processor. The signal issues that occurred with the "4" are to be resolved with the new "5" which was a major problem Apple faced with the design of the iPhone 4.
A few days ago, a video was released which claims to have found a prototype case for the iPhone 5. The cases hint towards a teardrop shape and wider screen. No word on wether or not the case is legit or not, only time will tell the truth. Personally, we think these cases are a hint of things to come.
The iPhone 5 hasn't even released nor have the rumors been proven to be true, yet the hype for the new smartphone design is phenomenal. Some of the hardware components of the iPhone 5 that is leading to this hype: curved glass with 3D display, an 8 MP camera with dual flash, an A5 processor, improved storage and RAM, fireproof, wireless charging, and an extended battery life.
Software components luring customers to want the iPhone 5: iOS 5, iCloud, HD Video Recording and HDMI Output, stronger gaming capabilities, advanced speed and NFC payment.
With a release date sometime in October hopefully the new iPhone 5 lives up to its rumored design, features, hardware, and software. Holographics? Laser display keyboard? Check out the videos below of some of the features and advances of the new iPhone 5.
Will you be one of many to purchase the iPhone 5? Have you heard of any other specifications of the new smartphone and its amazing features? Please comment below with your thoughts and "rumors" about the new iPhone 5!
So, We've all seen the photos, those people who place themselves in uncomfortable positions and take photos. No, I'm not talking about awkward family reunions, I'm talking about the fine art of planking. Planking first originated in the 2000's, but only recently picked up pace in Canada and the US a few years ago. Now its almost impossible to avoid stumbling into photos of people planking. Regardless, you can't help but to want to take one of these photos yourself, and admit it, you probably did. So, if you've planked, how was your experience, was it everything you wanted it to be? Did you snap a great photo? Tell us in the comments below!
So we all love running around barefoot right? We feel free and comfortable, until we run over that rock or stick that leaves us in pain and rethinking why we didn't have our shoes on! Well your worries and aches and pains are over with the new VibramFiveFingers athletic shoes. These shoes are designed to be more healthier for our feet by allowing them to move more naturally and freely. Because of how unique our feet are with all of our different sensors, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, we must treat our feet with exceptional care! No better time to start then now.
The VibramFiveFinger's have an array of different athletic shoes, each with an unique design in which they literally form to your feet with individual inserts for each of your toes. Their lightweight and stretchy materials create versatility for whether you are running, hiking, travelling, or participating in any form of water sport. Each category of shoe is made slightly different to help with the performance of the sport it is designed for. Some of the most common material used is, the upper part is made of a polyamide materials that is stretchy and scratch resistant, and the soles are made of a EVA Vibram TC1 rubber soles which provides protection and grip.
Check out the video below of people's personal experience with the VibramFiveFinger's:
Please comment below on what you think of the VibramFiveFinger shoes or if you have a pair tell us your story!
So the other day, my friend told me about a new update to google's search application for the iPhone and Android smartphones. It allows you to take photos of items and the app will find the object online! I thought such a thing would be impossible, so naturally I HAD to download it and try it out. Turns out it works, but there's a learning curve. For instance, Goggle apparently doesn't know what a banana looks like, but has no problem identifying a Tim Horton's cup. (Canada represent!)
After about a half hour of snapping random objects I figured out that the app only finds product names to well known consumer goods. The technology is only in its beginning stages, but this is definitely an innovation which will create a new way of web searching. Very exciting stuff!
Watch this video to see the app in action:
Interested? Download the app here and then tell us which items you've been able to find on the web!
Did you catch last nights episode of two and a half men? Or did you stay true to Charlie Sheen and watch him roast on the Comedy Network? Whether you chose one or the other you were definitely in for some prime time television!
Let's start off with two and a half men. Where do you sit on the poll of good to bad? When I logged onto facebook this morning many people had commented that they should have changed their name to two and a half shit! In my opinion the show will never be the same without Charlie Sheen but Ashton Kutcher definitely makes an appealing addition! Although they killed off our "main man" he lived on in the producers bitter attempt to betray Charlie as an unimportance, when we all know as viewers that Charlie's character was the highlight of the show. Ashton Kutcher fans? Ashton played a brokenhearted billionaire that ends up buying Charlie's beach house! Is the sob story going to be enough to sawy us into watching this season of Two and a half men?
The Roast of Charlie Sheen has been talked about and rumored about for months to come. My question is, were you satisfied? Lets say he definitely made fun of his year long allegations of drug abuse, hookers, and beating his girlfriends, but was he legit? The lineup was incredible, each comedian made hilarious jokes about Charlie's life and kept us on the edge of our chairs throughout the show. Could it have been better? Well that's in the opinion of each and everyone of you...all I can say is check out the roast of Pamela Anderson and then make your decision!
Both shows aired last night and got mixed reviews but what we are interested in, are your views. Please comment or post below how you felt about each show or of course whichever show you chose to watch.